Thick, fetid swirls of oily mist coiled around Larchon's ankles, much as tortured asps writhing in agony would. Laboriously wading through them, he shuffled down the sickly warm corridor, that led to the Urthrim Lord's inner-chambers. "What am I to tell him!", he muttered to himself. He gave a shudder at the very thought as he drew nearer the One's chambers, "Again!", he would roar, "Two more have failed to return!", he imagined the Urthrim's response would be.

The Urthrim's thoughts grew darker by the minute, as he impatiently waited for Larchon's arrival with news of the progress of his latest foray into the above-world. "He bears bad news!", he seethed, "Else why so late his coming!"

"LARCHON!", he roared. The sound of scaley feet upon stone could be heard as his court scurried for cover lest his wrath be turned upon them. For he had an evil disposition that lent him to cruel acts on those that gave him cause for ire.

"Coming oh great one" sniveled Larchon, thinking to himself, "What an impatient bastard!", he gave a shudder as another thought occured to him, "Did he think that thought out loud?". The persperation forming even heavier upon his protruding brow.

Larchon's kind were frail of frame, but possessed a larger cranium, hence larger gray matter than the usual creatures that inhabited this underworld realm of Lord Urthrim. This made them suitable for tasks of an administrative nature. Hence Larchon's duties to implement Lord Urthrim's commands.