Of Those Jewels

Most Exquisite

There Being Three

Which I Have Known

Entering My Life


As If

In Times

When One's Spirit

Has Grown Weary

Lifes Travails

Weighing Heavy

Each Time

Honor Was Mine

In Those Days

I Knew Happiness

But Those Were Times

When I Was Strong And Sure

And Never Wavered From My Purpose

A Time Where, Before Me

I Had The Model

Upon Which To Guide My Hands

To Help Guide Other's

But I Allowed The Second

To Enter My Heart

And I Abandoned All

To Sate My Own Desires

Placing Myself Before Those In Need

I Hoped

I Coveted

I Aspired...

For That Which...

Could Never Be Mine

For I Was Not Of The Same Quality

For I Had Many Facets


Flaws Unmended

And I Knew Failure

And Because Of That Frailty

I Fell From Mine Own Grace

And From That Falling

I Failed...


And Thus Grew Uncertainty

And I Wavered

My Hands...


I Felt Only Pain For Myself

I Withdrew From Life

I Ran

From Those

In Need Of Succor

My Heart Grew Cold...

Beating For None

Not Even Myself

I Placed Around It

High, Forboding Walls

Allowing None To Enter

And Soon

Darkness Set In

My Heart Became Still

